Bent Over Row

1. In correct posture, bend your torso over, keeping a natural arch in your spine. Be sure to keep your knees slightly bent.
2. While bending over, keep your abdominal muscles tight, shoulders back and chest up.
3. Under control, pull the weight up to your stomach while focusing on bringing your shoulder blades together.
4. Stop just after your elbow joints are in line with your shoulders and reverse the motion back down.
5. Under control, lower the weight, stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion back up.
2. While bending over, keep your abdominal muscles tight, shoulders back and chest up.
3. Under control, pull the weight up to your stomach while focusing on bringing your shoulder blades together.
4. Stop just after your elbow joints are in line with your shoulders and reverse the motion back down.
5. Under control, lower the weight, stop just before your elbow joints are straight and reverse the motion back up.
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